Macs and High Performance Computing

Macports does help

I like using macports since it really handles package dependencies well. I have had great sucess with macport’s built GNU compilers. I need to investigate when ports use the LLVM vs. the gcc, but other than that most things are clear. This is what I have installed.

Lion and Xcode >=4.3

It seems that there are some issues with the new Xcodes being placed only in the /Applications folder. After you have installed Xcode and activated the “Command Tools” from the Downloads selection of Xcode’s preferences, then run

$xcode-select /Aplications/Xcode

I believe that sets where xcodebuild thinks Xcode lives, and now Macports for lion will install.

Mountain Lion

It seems there are lots of issues with Mountain Lion and Macports. One possible thing to do from the terminal

$sudo xcodebuild -license

may help fix some issues. Also the above code select may help.

Xcode on Mac OS-X

One of the great things about cmake is that it supports multiple GUI development environments, including Xcode on the Mac, Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows, and KDevelop on Linux (and even on Mac!).

Here’s how you generate an Xcode project

mkdir build_xc # or whatever
cd build_xc
cmake -G Xcode ../

This creates a directory called <projname>.xcodeproj, which you can directly open in xcode, e.g., in the finder or at the command line

open <projname>.xcodeproj

This knows all about running maketa and everything!

Making macports packages defaults

Most macports built packages have the executables namespaced as not clash with the system ones. It is nice to have the option of making a macports built package default by changing the name.

port select --list
Error: port select [--list|--set|--show] <group> [<version>]

port select --list python
Available versions for python:
        python27 (active)

Macports OpenMPI and Totalview

Macports namespaces its OpenMPI commands

openmpic++   openmpicxx   openmpif77   openmpirun
openmpicc    openmpiexec  openmpif90

so as to not conflict with other mpi implementations. This can affect your normal use of totalview. To use the namespaced mpi commands, you can add a .tvdrc to your home directory with the following content

dset TV::parallel_configs {
   #Macport Open MPI
   name:           Macport Open MPI;
   description:    Macport Open MPI;
   starter:        openmpirun  %s %p %a;
   style:          bootstrap;
   tasks_option:   -np;
   nodes_option:   ;
   env_option:     -x;
   env_style:      assign;
   env:            ;
   comm_world:     (void *) &ompi_mpi_comm_world;
#    pretest:        ompi_info -c;

The Parallel tab will now have a Macports Open MPI option.

Homebrew vs. Macports

I have recently discovered Homebrew as package manager for Mac OS X. Homebrew tries to fill the void of linux packages, while also needing the user to download some applications, such as Lyx.

Mac SSD needing some help

Sometimes it seems that the SSD on my mac has issues. I noticed that Utilities > Disk repair noted the disc needed repairs. To do this I used SuperDuper to clone the drive, then I boot from the clone and ran disk repair. That did the trick. But, I also saw the need may arise to recondition the drive. This website has useful information on this:

System profiling from command line

If you want to know what makes up your machine (from the command line), then system_profile is what to use.:

$system_profile | more

should give all the specs of your machine.

GPUs and the Macs

GP-GPU programming is gaining massive momentum and lots of developers use Macs for the computing power and ease in a nice, not too heavy case. Nvidia makes the CUDA toolkit available for free, which will allow for CUDA-C programming on your mac, as long as it has an NVIDIA GPU graphics card.

Remote Connections

I use the native Mac OS X VPN with lots of success. Sometimes you need to close your lid but want to retain your VPN connection. A nice built in command is caffeinate:

$caffeinate -u -t 3600

Its really nice (man):

caffeinate -- prevent the system from sleeping on behalf of a utility

This helps.

Local Memory release

To help swipe inactive memory on our mac, try:


where man purge:

purge – force disk cache to be purged (flushed and emptied)

Terminal displaying remote hostname

I use so many different machines I have trouble keeping track which terminal window is on which remote machine. Putting:

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'

in your .bashrc on each machine you log into (including the local one) will put the hostname of the current window’s machine in the title bar.

Portland Group Compilers

Cool commands




GDB on Mac OS X

I found this useful for getting GDB to latch onto kernel processes: