janus vim distro is more ruby-centric for me.
list only dirs in current directory: ‘find . -maxdepth 1 -type d’
Do git fetch -p origin to make refs/remotes/origin/my_remote_branch go away if it’s already deleted in origin. The -p option tells fetch to delete any tracking branches that no longer exist in the corresponding remotes; by default they are kept around.
every new version of xcode requires ‘sudo xcodebuild -license’ to get much of Homebrew working
Mac OS X El Capitan, one needs to sudo chown -R srinathv /usr/local
To clean up a massive git repo: https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/
new xcode installs require “xcode-select –install” to get the latest command line tools for Mac OS x
http://www.geeknote.me/ is great! To use macvim as editor: geeknote settings –editor ‘mvim -f’
installing tmux requires pkg_config for libevent such as: ‘./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/srinathv/software/libevent/2.0.22/lib64/pkgconfig’